Friday, April 30, 2010

The Theology Program Podcast

I want to put in a little promotion for a podcast I found on iTunes.  I have a bit of a commute to and from work each day so I have to find ways to entertain myself or I go crazy.  So I often listen to podcasts.  Anyway, I found a great podcast called “The Theology Program” put on by Reclaiming the Mind Ministries.

The name of the ministry is explained in their mission statement: “We believe that God has called us to have an impact on the church and culture by taking back what rightly belongs to God – the mind. We live in a time of anti-intellectualism, skepticism, and confusion. Our goal is to reclaim the mind by energizing the church providing resources for intellectual engagement.  In their first podcast they explain their worry that sometimes sermons have been dumbed down for the congregants because there is not sufficient education in basic theology.  They seek to provide the same education of the layperson as professional ministers receive in seminary.

I like this approach of intellectual engagement.  It reminds me of the scripture that says “thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind” (Matthew 22:37).  Sometimes we forget that in addition to loving God with the heart we should also love him with the mind.

The instructors present theology and its development throughout history.  They compare many different views and offer their own views coming from an Evangelical perspective.  It is very interesting and a great resource for anyone who wants to get some background in Christian theology and history.

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